The are many different types of tattoo stars. There are septagrams, octograms and nonograms to mention just a few. And each tattoo star has it’s own meaning. The seven pointed septagrams symbolizes integration with the mystical. It is often seen with the seven planets and to contain seven fold systems such as the Hindu chakras. The eight pointed octograms symbolizes fullness and regeneration. It is often seen with eight fold systems such as trigrams, the pagan wheel of the year, and the Ogdoad of ancient Egypt. The nine pointed nonograms symbolizes achievement and stability. It can represent stability in terms of change. Often the nine- pointed star is seen with nine- fold systems such as the nine Taoist kanji. The final tattoo star that I would like to mention is the shooting star as shown in the picture. These stars symbolize brief but fleeting moments in time. Shooting stars tend to be associated with a moment in time that left a lasting impression, whether a short romance, special event, a person, job, anything that may have changed the person’s life but didn’t last long. No matter what tattoo star you chose to adorn your body with you can be sure that it has a long and symbolic history.